
Greenhouse gas emissions from human activity continue to raise global temperatures at a rapid pace. Increased concentratins of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing a rise in the mean atmospheric temperature, sea surface temperature, and ocean acidity. As a consequence, vulnerable populations are experiencing

  • increased severe storms
  • extreme heat and droughts
  • local large temperature fluctuations
  • sea level rise
  • stress on human societies
  • increasing water scarcity and food insecurity

These changes threaten lives, livelihoods, and communities worldwide. Some communities, such as those in coastal areas and arid agriculural regions, are especially susceptible to the effects of climate change. 

Frontline communities lack sufficient information to make informed decisions on how best to prepare for the effects of climate change.

Climate change is a "wicked problem," with tightly coupled moral, political, economic, and technical issues, that requires a global solution. However, predicting future climate condtions and the effectivenss of mitigation and adaptation activities is difficult. Imperfect knowldge of future greenhouse gas emissions, worldwide economic development, and future technologies lead to high uncertainty in future scenarios. 

Vulnerable communities experiencing changes in agricultural productivity, water security, and increased severe weather events are being forced to adapt. Amid this uncertaintly, it is difficult to make informed decisions about what actions to take. 

Affected populations will need a new, proactive planning and intervention strategy to survive and thrive as climate impacts intensify. 

There is a great need for evidence-based climate adaptation interventions and information tools that can help individuals, communities, governments, and non-governmental organizations take action to protect lives, livelihoods, and property as climate change progresses. 

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