
By integrating MIT’s technology expertise into BRAC’s numerous and cross‑cutting humanitarian, development and climate programs, this project will transform climate adaptation outcomes—first for the people of Bangladesh, and in Sudan working with the Agricultural Research Corporation, and then the world.


Our Leadership Team


Elfatih Eltahir, MIT

Elfatih Eltahir is the H. M. King Bhumibol Professor of Hydrology and Climate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His research focuses on understanding how regional land use change and global climate change impact society through changes in the patterns of water availability, extreme weather, and spread of vector-borne diseases, especially in Africa and Asia.


John Aldridge, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

John Aldridge is Assistant Leader of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. His team leverages the research and development expertise of the Laboratory’s nearly 4,000 staff in support of humanitarian assistance, economic and social development, and disaster relief organizations.


Deborah Campbell, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Deborah Campbell is a Senior Staff Scientist and co-lead for MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s Climate Change Initiative. Her work focuses on leveraging the Laboratory’s multidisciplinary R&D expertise and collaborations within the U.S. and around the world to innovate new systems and solutions to contribute to the global response to the climate change challenge.


MIT Faculty and Researchers

  • Elfatih Eltahir (Director of Jameel Observatory and JO-CREWSnet Lead-PI),
  • John Aldridge (JO-CREWSnet Lead-PI),
  • Deborah Campbell (JO-CREWSnet Executive Director),
  • Yeon-Woo Choi,
  • Kerry Emanuel,
  • Xiang Gao,
  • Angelo Gurgel,
  • Charles Harvey,
  • Jeff Liu,
  • Jennifer Morris,
  • Sergey Paltsev,
  • Katie Picchione,
  • Jiangchao Qiu,
  • Sai Ravela,
  • Adam Schlosser,
  • Claire Walsh,

External Collaborators

  • Liakath Ali (BRAC),
  • Tapas Ranjan Chakraborty (BRAC),
  • Abu Sadat Moniruzzaman Khan (BRAC),
  • Myisha Ahmad (BRAC),
  • Muhammad Tanjilur Rahman (BRAC),
  • Md. Obaidullah Al Kabir (BRAC),
  • Annajmus Sakib (BRAC),
  • Anamitra Saha (BRAC),
  • Rafid Mahmud Khan (BRAC),
  • Ashley Marie Toombs (BRAC),
  • Annajmus Sakib (BRAC),
  • Mushfiq Mobarak (Y-RISE Yale),
  • Islamul Haque (Y-RISE Yale), 
  • Austin Chadwick (Columbia University),
  • Mike Steckler (Columbia University),
  • Abdelmoneim Taha Ahmed (ARC),

Early Collaborator

  • Professor Saleemul Huq (Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)); Participated in early discussions and development of CREWSnet concept

Early Consultant

  • David Harden (Q2 Impact); Participated in early discussions and development of CREWSnet concept

Our CREWSNet Team: