
The Jameel Observatory Climate Resilience Early Warning System Network (JO-CREWSnet) is creating integrated decision-support tools that empower frontline vulnerable communities to proactively adapt to climate change.

Jameel Observatory-CREWSnet puts cutting-edge climate forecasting technology directly into the hands of individuals, to show how future climate and extreme weather patterns will impact their lives. This technology, combined with access to innovative power, water, agriculture and financing services, will empower families, communities and governments to make and implement informed, proactive decisions about how to adapt to this changing world.

An Evidence-Based Approach to Climate Adaptation

Our multifaceted team collects regional data, forecasts future climate and economic trends, creates information-sharing and decision-support tools, and works with local partners to develop innovative climate adaptation solutions. We aim to scale these methods, tools, and innovations as a global public good. 

JO-CREWSnet is piloting activities in Bangladesh and Sudan.

Currently, we are collecting regional data, modeling future climate conditions, and developing information-sharing tools to support three flagship initiatives in Bangladesh in collaboration with BRAC

  1. Climate-resilient housing and storm shelters >>

  2. Agriculture and adaptation clinics >>

  3. Water security >>

Overview >>